Last Monday I walked the neighborhood with a friend and put catalogs and an invitation to an open house tasting for Wednesday in all the newspaper boxes. I passed out about 25 catalogs. Then Wednesday I set up the dining room and set out some delicious foods from Wildtree. Then I waited...

And waited, and waited. I know people have busy lives, but this is silly. I even put out a sign on the road leading the way to my house. Nobody. Well? That's how the cookie crumbles. The good news is, I had MOPS the next morning so I could share all this good food with all the ladies.

I didn't want to seem like I was taking advantage of snack time at MOPS to sell my stuff, so I didn't put out catalogs, but I wonder if I should have.

I'm rethinking my strategies and maybe doing cooking demonstrations would sound more interesting to people. The food sells itself! I just have to give people a chance to taste it.
10/3/2012 04:53:29 pm

Love the blog....looks great! :/)


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